
Family and Domestic Violence Leave to be Recognised in Modern Awards

sexual harrassment

Family and Domestic Violence Leave to be Recognition in Modern Awards

Domestic violence is a significant issue in Australia that effects many individuals and has a real impact on employees and employers.

The Fair Work Commission has recognised the detrimental effect of family and domestic violence.  In light of this, the Commission is in the process of including unpaid family and domestic violence leave in modern awards as it understands that this is not only a community issue but also a workplace issue.  As this affects your workplace rights, Anderson Gray wishes to take this opportunity to update you on the process of this important inclusion to your workplace rights.

The Commission has found that existing leave entitlements may not meet the needs of an employee experiencing family and domestic violence.  Further, that a specific response needs to be devised to deal with this issue in the workplace and that there is no existing workplace right for an employee experiencing these issues to be absent from the workplace to find alternative accommodation or attend urgent court proceedings.

At this time, whilst the Commission did not agree with providing paid family and domestic violence leave, the Commission has held that employees should be able to access paid personal/carer’s leave for family and domestic violence reasons.

The Commission along with interested parties are currently developing a model term that covers these issues to be included in modern awards.

Anderson Gray will keep you updated as the Commission moves forward with this important issue. We are lawyers for employees and are here to help you.

If you are experiencing family or domestic violence contact Anderson Gray Lawyers, they are the national sexual assault, domestic family violence counselling service.